Wizard of Oz: Auditions!

Mattituck Presbyterian Church 12605 Main Rd, Mattituck, NY, United States

Auditions for the musical "The Wizard of Oz" will be held on Tuesday March 4th and Wednesday March 5th at the Mattituck Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Old Sound Avenue, Love Lane, and Rt. 25. Auditions for youth ages 8 through 15 will be at 5:30PM; auditions for ages 16 through adults will be […]


Wizard of Oz: Auditions!

Mattituck Presbyterian Church 12605 Main Rd, Mattituck, NY, United States

Auditions for the musical "The Wizard of Oz" will be held on Tuesday March 4th and Wednesday March 5th at the Mattituck Presbyterian Church at the intersection of Old Sound Avenue, Love Lane, and Route 25. Auditions for youth ages 8 through 15 will be at 5:30PM; auditions for ages 16 through adults will be […]


Wizard of Oz: Audition Callbacks!

Audition Callbacks for the musical "The Wizard of Oz" will be held on Thursday, March 6th. Time and Location information to be announced. Please direct questions about audition music to the Music Director Dina Mondello at [email protected]. In person auditions are preferred but if you are unable to attend in person, an exception may be […]

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